We are building a new generation of Catholic leaders.
Will you join us?
We believe that young Catholic professionals with hearts on fire for Christ’s mission can transform our society. If you do as well, we invite you to give a gift and be part of our mission to reshape Canada’s future through Gospel values.
Why Give a Gift to the Lumen Gentium Forum?
Canadian society needs Catholic social teaching.
The truth, beauty and goodness of the Catholic faith has the power to transform our country for the better. The time is now. Threats to the dignity of the human person are multiplying. Since the legalization of euthanasia, thousands of our fellow Canadians have ended their own lives. In politics and the professional world, ideologies dominate. Canada is becoming more secular, with growing hostility to religious values. We need Christian leaders who passionately love and live their faith, and can lead a new evangelization within our culture.
Yet many Canadian Catholics do not sense the call to mission.
A 2024 survey by the Canadian Christian think tank Cardus found that less than one out of three Catholics agreed with the statement, “It is essential for me as a Christian to encourage others to embrace the truth of Jesus Christ.” In the words of Archbishop Emeritus Thomas Cardinal Collins, “In the way we try to dialogue with the world, the world is colonizing us... we need to know who we are.”
there are powerful signs of hope: young Catholics.
Today there is an emerging generation of young Catholics hungry to love Christ, live their faith, and transform the world through Catholic social teaching. Nearly six out of ten Christians ages 18-34 agreed with the survey statement above, in sharp contrast with older generations. Young Catholic leaders are hungry to evangelize their neighbours and bring Christian principles alive in their families, careers, and communities. We need to help them do it, by forming and equipping them to live out their calling to “go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19)
With your support, we can form these young leaders into Lumen Gentium—A Light to the Nations.
We founded the Lumen Gentium Forum to set young hearts on fire for Christian mission, as it is lived by lay people in the secular world through professional work and civic leadership. We want to send magnanimous, well-formed Catholic leaders into society, ready to serve others and rebuild a culture of life and human dignity. Leaders like these are the future of the Church.
We invite you to join this critical mission, by becoming a Patron of the Lumen Gentium Forum.
“Thinking back on my vocation journey, I needed something exactly like the Lumen Gentium Forum: a means of formation, growth in my spiritual life, and meeting like-minded young Catholics. That’s why I am so happy to support this new endeavour.”
Sister John Mary, SV
Superior, Sisters of Life, Toronto Mission
2024 LGF Keynote Speaker
“The Forum pushes me to flex intellectual muscles and analyze readings selected from the works of great Christian thinkers. The well-structured and directed curriculum, alongside stimulating speakers, provides Fellows with tools, insights, and inspiration to carry out our apostolic mission in our day-to-day lives.”
John Tomory
President & Co-Founder, Pepperlaw Creek Farms
2024 Lumen Gentium Fellow
“My experience has been very enriching... The readings have breadth, making them applicable to a diverse range of professionals, along with depth, enabling each individual to tailor and integrate them into their professional lives.”
Mahlon Akhtar
Clinical Nurse Specialist
2024 Lumen Gentium Fellow
Lumen by the numbers
Lumen Gentium Fellows selected each year through a rigorous application and interview process, identifying high-achieving, high-potential young Catholic leaders.
pages of readings per month over the course of the program, drawing from papal encyclicals, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, other magisterial documents, and the works of great Catholic thinkers.
monthly gatherings over the course of an academic year, where Fellows gather for enriching conversation, talks by incredible speakers, and the chance to grow in friendship, faith, and understanding of Catholic social doctrine and virtuous leadership.
retreat concluding the program, where Fellows synthesize what they have learned and make a plan for how they will live out their mission and bring Gospel principles alive in their careers and civic leadership.